
Allegiance Gold’s Pledge!

As we pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, Allegiance Gold pledges its commitment to genuinely serve its customers with the utmost focus on protecting their retirement and preserving long term wealth.  We serve our clients by educating them on how to best establish a self-directed IRA to include precious metals from an extensive inventory of coins certified for weight, content and purity.


Visit Us at : www.AllegianceGold.com 

Why Allegiance Gold


Allegiance Gold’s pricing is among the lowest-priced dealers. While other companies add 30+% margin to cover their operations, Allegiance Gold receives discounted pricing, based on volume purchases, that gets passed on to customers, and maintains a strong fiscal discipline in managing operations. Unlike our competitors, we do not advertize on television or radio, both of which costs a fortune. Rather, we focus on providing quality service and rely on word of mouth referrals.


Some brokers often steer customers to products that earn them greater commissions. Allegiance Gold opposes such behavior through transparency and honesty. Customers will know exactly what they are buying and how much they will pay.


We offer bullion coins and high-quality, certified gold, silver and platinum coins produced by the U.S. Mint and fully backed by the United States government for weight, content and purity.


Allegiance Gold firmly believes in building long-term value relationship with customers. This is built through our professional personnel from helping pick the right metals to setting up the self-directed IRA, our teams of professionals take the time to explain all of the important details about purchasing U.S. government-issued legal tender.  Allegiance Gold’s senior management team is actively engaged with customers to ensure the highest quality of service and satisfaction.

Our Mission

Allegiance Gold’s mission is to help protect individuals’ retirement by investing in precious metals. We have over 50 years of combined experience in managing small to mid-sized businesses within the financial services industries ranging from accounting, insurance, banking and real estate. We have spent over a decade studying and understanding how the precious metals market works and reacts to various factors that influence pricing, from the stock market to the geopolitical environment.

Glance To Our Story

How It All Began

FINANCIAL CRISIS In 2009, the stock market dropped nearly 40%, real estate values plummeted, unemployment surpassed 10% and the dollar weakened. It was evident, that although stocks, bonds and real estate are different asset classes, during crisis, all three, were highly correlated. This perfect storm evaporated retirement savings and nearly wiped out the safety net …


Or visit us at  www.allegegiancegold.com